Friday, September 27, 2013

This week in Preschool...September 23-27, 2013

Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens.  Psalms 36:5

This week in Jesus Time we are learning about Noah, and how God was sad that the people were not loving each other and Him, so he sent a flood to destroy the whole earth, but faithful Noah and his family along with 2 of every kind of animal were safe in the ark.  After the flood, Noah thanked God, and we have the rainbow as God's promise that never again will He send a flood to destroy the whole earth.

Since we are talking about rainbows we made a class rainbow, we did a science experiment to see tissue paper bleed, then the color went up a paper towel and the two colors from each cup met in the middle.  We used cray-pas to draw rainbows, we made salty sparkles sculptures, and we made pictures that when the music stopped we had to change colors, we easel painted and used baby wipes to see how color bleeds.

We sorted animals by kind, legs, wild or tame, what they eat, where they live, and we used those animals to learn positional words, over, under, on the side, above, below, next to.  We also did beanbag activities to help with our eye-hand coordination.

Our classroom jobs help us to track from left to right when we say the calendar days of the week and count the days, when the counter counts how many friends are here we learn one to one correspondence.  Our polyspot helper counts out the correct number of spots for the children to sit on, and the weather helper checks to see what conditions we have outside.  Our day is filled with lots of learning!

This week we read:
Drip Drop!
Saved by Faith
Say What?
A B C Zooborns
Time for School Mouse
Pete the Cat The Wheels on the Bus

Starting in October we will have Show and Share Bags.  When your child brings a bag home, please help them to pick ONE thing to bring and help them with 3 clues that they can share for the other children to guess.  Please bring the bag back on the next class that they attend.


If you have not sent your child's binder in with the school supplies, please send it ASAP as we have lots of wonderful memories to fill it with and the children love to look through their work.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great work Ms. Larson! You are doing a great job! Rosie loves your class !!!!!! I love your site and how you keep it up all the time!

  3. Thank you so much for all your hard work! We just love to ask Ryan about his day. He has so much fun telling us about all he has learned! Every day he is so excited to go to school!
