Thursday, August 29, 2019

August 14-29, 2019

"Love each other as I have loved you." John 15:12

In Jesus Time we have been learning about getting along. Our Friends unit:  Who is my friend?  What do I say?  What do I do?  Feelings Unit:  How do I feel?  How do you feel?  Friends and Feelings Unit:   Using my hands (showing how I feel).  Using my words (saying how I feel).  Celebrating as friends.

Chapel on Wednesday, August 27 was led by Jolene Siebarth, DCE from Immanuel Lutheran Church.

We have been learning how to glue with a glue bottle...

How to use bingo dabbers and how to water color...

How to easel paint...

In Art, we used rollers on bubble wrap to make lots of spots, those spots were circles...

After reading the story, Perfect Square, we picked a square to cut, tear, or use a hole punch, to see what the square would become.

We read the story Mouse Paint, and we finger painted with the primary colors of red, yellow, and blue, and mixed them to make orange, green, and purple.

We read the story The Crayon Box that Talked, then we used the crayons to make a collaborative picture.

During exploring time the children can visit the various centers in the classroom, each center is designed for learning through their play.  In each blog we will focus on a different center and what concepts they are learning.

We have fine motor activities to help strengthen our hand muscles for writing readiness...  using pipettes to fill caps with water, and using tweezers to add pompoms to the center of a pool noodle...

Block Center....The Block Center allows the child to...

  • engage in meaningful work
  • improve small and large muscle coordination
  • learn to share ideas and work together in a group
  • develop concepts such as big/little, more than/less than, equal to, shape, color, size, etc.
  • express creativity
  • experience open ended thinking

An extension of our block area was using foam shape block and shaving cream to make our own creations.  This is S.T.E.M.

We love to work on developing our large motor skills when we play outside on the playground and in the gym.

Books and Puzzles...

Dramatic Play...

Writing....  we have bingo dabbers, markers, crayons, and colored pencils available...

Sensory Table...Pom poms....

Math Center...

Science Center...

Light Table...

Play dough...we have ice cream essentials to use in the play dough center...

We added floam to our play dough table and made shapes...

Each day the children have a different job, which helps us build our sense of community...
Polyspot helper...
Flag holder...


Calendar Helper...

Candle helper...

Each morning there are activities set out...
Drive and Draw...

Color bowl matching...


Adding the correct number of bands to the craft stick....

Checking in...

Tangrams and Nuts and Bolts...

Making bear patterns...

Each day we read a story to go along with our theme for the week...

We end our morning with music and movement.  We have been learning new songs:  Teapot Variations, Bean Bag Dance, MatMan, Bear Hunt, Spaghetti Legs, Alabama Mississippi.  These are songs from Greg and Steve, and Jim Gill, and Learning without Tears.

We have been sharing our family pictures for Show and Share this month.  This helps us build our language skills.

We have also enjoyed hearing about Brownie Bear's adventures with our friends.

After nap activities...