Friday, May 24, 2019

Our last week together...May 20-24,2019

By His wounds you have been healed.  1 Peter 2:24

This week in Jesus Time we learned about Peter and John and how they gave God's gift of mercy to heal a crippled man.

Chapel this week was led by Julianna Shults...


Popsicle Painting...

Clean out the craft closet...

Small group

Transportation Musical Chairs....

Making patterns...

Brownie Bear...


Books and Puzzles...


Sensory sand...

Dramatic play...

Writing Center...

This week we read....
 Motor Goose

Let's Go ABC!  Things That GO, from Ato Z
Summer Cool
Tool School
Because I'm Your Dad
Calling Dr. Amelia Bedelia

Outside Fun...

Fun in the gym...

Our new school...
Icky, Squishy, Mushy Day...Tuesday...


Our farewell picnic for Miss Laura, Miss Summer, and Miss Nancy...

Our last day...Popsicles on the playground, bubbles, and water play with the 1 year olds...