Friday, December 21, 2018

This week in preschool...December 17-21, 2018

Glory to God in the highest!  Luke 2:14

This week in Jesus Time we continue to focus on the birth of Jesus.  This week we lit 3 candles on our Advent wreath.

Our chapel this week was led by Mrs. Gail Pawlitz, and she shared the book Sing, Glory, Glory that she wrote.

This week we made our letter Q look like a quilt.

Art this week...
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, using our hands and feet...

Easel painting...

Paper plate wreaths...
Small group...

Gum drop and Jelly bean creations...

Peppermint Oobleck...

Collaborative Cutting Christmas Tree...

Making cards for Manor Grove...
Christmas/Winter Tangram patterns...

This week we read...

Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer

Merry Christmas Curious George

Pete the Cat Saves Christmas

Snowmen at Christmas

The First Night


Play dough...


Light table...

Dramatic Play...

Decorating our Christmas tree...

Writing Center...

Brownie Bear...

Show and Share..

Fun in the gym...

Practicing for our Christmas worship...

Our Christmas Worship...

Our New School...

Our inside Christmas picnic...