Friday, January 29, 2016

This week in preschool...January 25-29, 2016

I will give thanks unto the Lord with all my heart.  Psalm 9:1

This week we learned about the 10 lepers, and how only one came back to say thank you.  We acted the story out.

We set out a medical center, and we talked about how Jesus is the ultimate healer.

Chapel this week was led by Mrs. Shirley...and we talked about the color white, and how we are washed clean and are white as snow, because Jesus washed our sins away.

This week in Art...

Easel painting...

Mittens...using watercolors


Valentine Bags...

And more hearts...

Center Time this week...

Each day we will find our name, and practice writing it on tracing paper...

I SPY...we found items by color, letters, size, texture, etc.

Counting out snowballs onto the mittens..

Copy that lego pattern...


Books and Puzzles...

Light Table...

Dramatic Play...


Play dough...we have hearts, and this week we have figures to represent the 10 lepers, so they can retell the story...


Office Center...

Writing Center...

Brownie Bear...

Show and Share...Your favorite book...
Peanut Butter and Cupcake

The Berenstain Bears Bedtime Battles

I Have a Loose Tooth Dr. Moose

This week we read...

Five Little Penguins Slipping on the Ice
The Missing Mitten Mystery
Flip and Flop
I am Small
Penguin and Pinecone

Music and Movement...