Thursday, October 26, 2017

This week in preschool...October 23-26, 2017

Your Word is lamp yo my feet and a light to my path.  Psalm 119:105

This week in Jesus Time we are learning about the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and we are using Reformation A-Z , written by one of our early childhood directors from Missouri, which we will send home after next week.

Chapel this week was led by Juliana Shults, who works at the LCMS International Center.  We learned about patience.

Morning Meeting and Jobs...

This week week our letter is J, and we put jewels on our alphabet page, graphed to see who has J or j in their name, and added pictures to our classroom alphabet page.

We are now working on our names by building them with letter blocks, then tracing them.  First, we learn using all capital letters.

Art this week:
Making Trick or Treat Bags...

Pumpkin seeds and string...

Small group...

Geoboard challenge cards...



Dramatic Play...

Sensory Table...Beans...

Light Table...

Writing Center...

Brownie Bear...

Show and Share...

This week we read...

Corduroy's Best Halloween Ever
Pumpkin Countdown
Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf
Penguin and Pumpkin

Music and Movement...
The Leaves on the Trees (tune: The Wheels on the Bus)