Friday, February 27, 2015

This week in preschool....February 23-27, 2015

Love your neighbor.  Mark 12:31
This week we learned about the Good Samaritan.  We leaned that a man was robbed and beaten, and a priest walked past, and didn't stop to help, a Levite walked past, and didn't stop to help, but, a Samaritan did stop, and helped the man.  We learned that everyone is our neighbor, and we are to help everyone.  We heard the story with a "Chalk Talk".  We also talked about how we can help CCLS-U, as Dr. and Mrs. Killian are going to Uganda over spring break and they are collecting items to take with them.

I loved seeing the children draw the story out on the wipe board.

This week and next we are celebrating Dr. Suess.  Everyday we read a Dr. Suess book, and did activities to go along with them.  We read Put Me in the Zoo, and we drew circles then watercolored them with the corresponding color.

We read, Dr. Suess's ABC, and we decorated the first letter in our name, and we used bingo dabbers to trace our names.  We also graphed how many letters are in our name.

In Art, we painted, however, we made our own skittles paint, where first, we separated the colors, then put 25 skittles in a jar and added corn syrup, and made our own skittles paint.  We also used a nylon scrubber as our paint brush.

Of course, we had to make Cat in the Hat hats, because we read, The Cat in the Hat.

We made a skittles rainbow in a jar.  We had to add hot water, and then 2 red, 4 orange, 6 yellow, 8 green, and 10 purple.  We waited for them to dissolve, then we used eye droppers to add the most dense liquid to the least dense.  It was pretty cool.

We also did button sorting, and matched the color of the button to the pipe cleaner, which was great for building our fine motor skills.


Play dough...


Sensory Table...

Vet Center...

Writing Center...

Books and Puzzles...

Some of our friends had so much fun with our Art last week that we ran out of time, so we are enjoying more of those fun activities.

We had a very special guest, Dr. Boyle, Davaul's Mom, who came and talked to us about being a vet.

Snack Time...
Show and Share and Brownie Bear...

Music and Movement...

Book Buddies...


This week we read...
Put Me in the Zoo
Dr. Suess's ABC
And To Think That I Saw in on Mulberry Street
Go, Dog, Go
The Cat in the Hat

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