Friday, October 10, 2014

This week in preschool...October 6-10, 2014

I waited patiently for the Lord.  Psalm 40:1
This week we continued to learn about Abraham and Sarah and how they had to wait a long time to have a baby.  God fulfilled His promise, and Abraham and Sarah had a baby, Isaac.  We talked about how happy they were, and how happy their families were when they were born.

The children have worked so hard on their wood creations and this week they painted them.  This was a very good lesson in patience, as we had to wait for the glue to dry, then we had to wait for the paint to dry.  This tied in very well with Abraham and Sarah having to be patient.  God always knows what is best.

We also played a game "Alike and Different" to find the items that were different, and we had to tell why it was different, color, size, sticker added, or sparkly.  It is a great way to help them learn to use descriptive words.

This week we learned about the letter B, and we put beans on our B, and then we cut out pictures from magazines of items that begin with B.  We also had to do "Bananas" and "The Beanie Bag Dance" to go along with our letter.  Don't forget "Bop til you Drop", and "Bear Hunt".

This week in art we made a border block collage, we traced, cut, and glued what the inside of a pumpkin would be like, we made 2 kinds of  pumpkin patches, one where we had to tear the paper, and the other we used three fingers to dip into paint and make pumpkins.  When we made our inside scoop pumpkins we had to learn the process of each step.

We had to wash our pumpkins as they have been growing in the dirt, and then we did an experiment to see if they would sink or float.  11 children said sink, 3 said float, do you know what will happen, I encourage you to ask your child.  We also then found items in our classroom that we could see if they would sink or float.

Light Table with BLOCKS

This week we have linking links, and the children can form a pattern, measure with them, and use their eye-hand coordination to connect and separate them.

Lego trains...

Dramatic Play....

Train table...

Sink or Float...

Beans and Bugs...

And we learn to help clean up our spills...we work together....


This week we also had the privilege to have the Kirkwood Fire Department come and visit.  We have talked about community helpers this week, and we talked about the equipment that a fireman wears to protect them, and that they want to help us, so even thought they look different with their gear, they are our friend and will help us.


The children are so excited for WOW DAYS that they are having their own creative ways to have one, with the stuffed animals.

Thank you for all of your donations for CCLS-U.  Miss Katie brought us a picture of one of the 3 year olds that attends CCLS-U, and we made her postcards to send with the medical mission team.

Next week we will be learning about the letter J, so you may bring in pictures of things that start with "J".

Pictures are Tuesday, October 21 and Wednesday, October 22.
Those children who will be getting their photos taken on Wednesday, we are asking you to take your child upstairs to the Concordia Commons area and have them photographed before you come to our classroom, so that we may depart for the Magic House at 8:45 promptly.  The photographer will be ready at 8:00.

Magic House visits are Wednesday, October 22, and Thursday, October 23.  We leave our campus at 8:45 promptly and walk to the Magic House, should you arrive after we have left, you may meet us at the Magic House.  We are in need of parents to join us, and to volunteer, you may contact Angie,our classroom coordinator, her information was shared in your e-mail.  We ask that if you have younger siblings that you would find a caregiver for them for that day, as we have reserved for only the number of children in our classes, and we would like you to be able to give your full attention to the children that are in your care for the trip.

Early Dismissal on Thursday, October 23:  11:45 for all Early Childhood

No School on Friday, October 24

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