Friday, August 29, 2014

This week in preschool....August 25-29, 2014

The Lords says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love."  Jeremiah 31:1 This week  in Jesus Time we are learning about our feelings. " How Do I Feel?" and "How Do You Feel?".  The children are learning that God made them and other people with feelings and that feelings are an important part of who they are.  They will be affirmed in their ability to express their feelings in acceptable ways to others, and thank God that He and others care about their feelings.  We also read the book Share and Take Turns, and we talked about how we feel when people share with us.

This week in Small group we are working on sorting and stacking shapes and colors.  We are being square detectives, and we used stencils to watercolor squares.  We worked together and made pompoms bounce on a parachute. We used the pegboards and made color rows, and used our fine motor skills to put lids on different size containers.  We used our iPads to take pictures of things in our environment that were squares, rectangles, circles, and triangles, and we also used the Doodle Buddy app to practice drawing our shapes.

In Art, we made Rainbow rice pictures, easel paintings, sponge painted shapes, finger painted with the primary colors and then saw how we could mix two colors to make, orange, green, and purple, and made purple crayon drawings.  When we use glue bottle we are strengthening our hand muscles, and using our fine motor skills to pick up the rice.

We enjoy exploring our different classroom areas:  Housekeeping, Building, Trains, Books and Puzzles, Sensory Table, Light Table, Science Center (which we have the magnets out), and this week we have the Mr. Potato Head.

This year we will be having "Book Buddies", which are 5th graders from Mrs. Brown's homeroom who come the last Friday of each month, and they read stories to them.  It was really special to hear those children who stay for lunch say as we walked through the dining hall as the 5th graders were eating lunch, "There's my new friend." and "There's my book buddie."

We finally got to enjoy some cooler temperatures and we played outside.  As we climb we are using our large motor skills, and building upper body strength.

 We have also enjoyed learning a few new songs by Jim Gill this week, such as "Hands are for Clapping,", "Alabama Mississippi", "Beethoven's 5th", and "Truck Stop".

This week we read...
The Crayon Box that Talked
Hello, School Bus
The Kissing Hand
Mouse Paint
Harold and the Purple Crayon

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