Friday, August 22, 2014

This week in Preschool...August 18-22, 2014

(The Lord says,) "I have loved you with an everlasting love."  This week in Jesus Time we are learning about "Who is My Friend?" and "What Do I Say?" We have learned that each child is made special by God and they are part of a larger group brought together called "friends."  We are practicing the names of of friends and affirming the importance of everyone in the group.  We are also practicing the use of positive comments and so everyone feels welcomed within a cooperative, supportive climate.

We are able to play outside and use our large motor skills by climbing up the ladder or the steps to slide down the slide and we can use our imagination when we play in the house or on the fire truck.

This week in Art we easel painted, made a collage using strips of paper, and various types of craft sticks, we painted with a roller onto bubble wrap, and then put paper over the top to make a "Lots of Spots" picture.  We painted with marbles, and made unique designs by rolling the box around, and we learned how to use water color paints.  We learned that when we use a glue bottle, that we squeeze out a dot, "A dot does alot."  Squeezing bottles helps strengthen hand muscles.

In our Science center we have magnets for exploring.  We have had fun watching them be attracted to the magnet, and we have seen them "run away", because the magnet was turned, so it looked like the wand was chasing the ring.

In our Small group this week we were sorting by color, doing a large motor activity called zig zagging around, where we followed the path by walking, crawling, and hopping on two feet, we were circle detectives, and made a circle collage, we then became rectangle detectives outside, where we painted any rectangle we saw with a paint brush and water.  We also practiced drawing those two shapes in shaving cream.  Ask your child to find circles and rectangles, they were amazing detectives.  A great at home activity is to let your child use shaving cream in the bath tub, and draw shapes and letters.

We are learning to share, take turns, and work together.  Children begin with solo play, then parallel play (or side by side), and then they will work together.

We have the shapes nuts and bolts out for matching the correct shape, then using their fine motor skills, and eye/hand coordination to put the nut onto the bolt.

We love to look at books, and put puzzles together.

We  have our housekeeping area, where the children construct the world as they see it, they act out feelings and emotions in a comfortable setting, they role play real life situations, they practice language and social skills, they interact with other children in an informal setting, and they plan and work together.

 We end our day with music and movement.  We especially like the Beanie Bag Dance, and the Bear Hunt.

This week we read...
Little Brown Bear Won't Go to School
Llama, Llama Misses Mama
Time for School, Mouse
There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books
How Do Dinosaurs Go To School?
I'm Not Ready!
Llama, Llama Time to Share

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