Friday, September 12, 2014

This week in preschool...September 8-12, 2014

God formed the man of dust from the ground.  Genesis 2:7
This week in Jesus Time we learned about Creation.  God made everything and IT WAS GOOD!  We listened to "The Beginning" from the Children's Bible on our iPads, and we used scarves to play "Sky, Sea, and Me", to reinforce the concept that God made all things.  We made a banner and cut out pictures of things God made.

In Small group we were treasure hunters, looking for the gems in the sand, where we used tweezers and spoons to get the colored rock salt out of the sand.  We made shape sticker creations.  When children get stickers off they are using their fine motor skills.  We painted with watercolor and a surprise was hidden.  We did an apple gravity experiment to see which kind of apple rolls faster and what angle the ramp needs to be to make it go faster.  We made a special name picture by tacing our name, sprinkling salt, then dropping water color over the salt to see how quickly it changes.  We also cut out pictures that begin with the letter A and glued them on our classroom alphabet A.  We also used the spray bottles to thaw the frozen A items in the ice.

In Art, we made crayon bundle drawings, we easel painted, we made fall trees by tracing our forearm and hand then added colorful leaves, we made apple prints, and we did balloon painting.

Having fun in our different centers:  Play dough, Rice Table, Books and Puzzles, and Making the Letter A with cars.  We used the iPads to play a counting game called Candy count where we would sort by colors, count candy pieces, and learn about more and less.  We also use the iPad to color the Creation Story from the Beginner's Bible.

Each day we a job to do...Here is the polyspot helper, counting out the number of spots and putting them on the carpet.
This week we read...
Please Say Please
The Apple Pie Tree
Let it Fall
We're Going on a Leaf Hunt
The Falling Leaves

Next week we will be learning about the letter G.
NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19....Professional Development for teachers

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