Thursday, September 18, 2014

This week in preschool....September 15-19, 2014

And God saw that it was good.  genesis 1:10
This week we continued learning about Creation.  We read Adam and Eve, and the Sneaky Snake on the iPad and played 2 activities that went along with each story.  We played Duck Duck, Goose, and changed the animals to animals from the land, and sky. This is how children learn to play willingly in group and classroom activities. We learned about parts of a plant; stem, leaves, and flower by  playing a game , and we played a game called Leaves off the Tree, where we cooperated with our group to pick the apples.  We also played a pass the animal game, and talked about the sound the animal makes.

 We took a nature walk and collected items to make a nature collage, our God is great, and we want to take good care of His creation, we made fallen leaves, made a terrific texture picture, and did band-aid art.  We used our fingers to feel the different textures and explain how they felt, and our fingers helped us peel the stickers off the band aids, which is strengthening our fine motor skills.

We had fun exploring in our classroom.  We painted tubes last week, and we have them mounted and we can put the same color pom pom down the tube and it lands in a cup.  We like to build, read, imagine, and have fun, while learning new things through our play.  This week we have number pegs out to play, we added pictures to our letter G, and had strips to practice cutting.  We also made a star picture and Mrs. Larson wrote down what we told her about stars. This helped us identify some alphabet letters and associate letter names with shapes and sounds.  Don't forget we made goop and learned that when we added water to the cornstarch we could change it to a solid then a liquid with the heat from our hand.

Our first WOW DAY:

This week we read:
We're Going on a Nature Hunt
Alphabet Mystery
Alphabet Rescue
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star


Next week we will learn about letter Z, and we will be making a class rainbow, so you may bring items to glue onto our rainbow.

Book orders will be submitted on Tuesday, September 30, in the afternoon.

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