Friday, August 28, 2015

This week in preschool...August 24-28, 2015

God made us and we belong to Him.  Psalm 100:3

This week in Jesus Time we learned about Feelings:  happy, sad, frightened, and angry.  God made each of us and we have feelings, and they are important to who we are.

This week in Art we made a strips and sticks picture to go along with learning about the rectangle.

We made a yellow collage. We used stickers to help with our fine motor skills, and a variety of mediums in different textures, and we had to use both a glue bottle and glue stick.  We are learning that a dot of glue does a lot.

We finger painted after we read the story, Mouse Paint, and we used the primary colors of red, yellow, and blue, and then we mixed them to make, purple, green, and orange.

We easel painted.

We did marble painting.

In our Center Time this week we painted rectangles outside, we used a parachute to sort colors, then work together to make them bounce.  We stacked shapes.  We also matched containers with their lids, and drew circles and rectangles, and used water colors to paint inside of them.

We used the iPads to draw circles and rectangles and we used the Kids app to practice tracing shapes.

This week we learned some new songs:  Hands are for Clapping, and Alabama, Mississippi by Jim Gill

This week we read:
Curious George's First School Day
Llama Llama Misses Mama
Llama Llama Time to Share
Mouse Paint
The Kissing Hand
There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books

Play dough Center...  At the play dough center we have task cards and the tasks each help them build certain skills.
Cookie Cutters:  Add fun and creativity, and spark imaginative play
Spell names:  Alphabet knowledge, name recognition
Make people:  Develop oral language skills (children lend voice to people)
Make snakes:  Develop fine motor skills and palmar arch in hand, skills necessary for holding a pencil
Roll the dough:  Using rolling pins allows children to practice their coordination skills and exercises the muscles in the shoulders and arms necessary for writing on flat surfaces
Cut dough:  Develop fine motor skills in hand.  The dough provides a thick, stable medium which makes cutting easier and provides children with successful opportunities to practice cutting with scissors.

Blocks/ Legos/ Trains...

Dramatic Play...

Books and Puzzles...

Sensory Table...

Light Table...



Lunch with friends...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! It's wonderful to see what Clio's been up to all week!
