Friday, September 11, 2015

This week in preschool....September 8-11, 2015

God formed the man of dust from the ground.  Genesis 2:7
This week in Jesus Time we have learned about creation.
Day 1 :  God made darkness and light.
Day 2:   God made sea and sky.
Day 3:  God made Earth and all plants.
Day 4:  God made the sun, moon, and stars.
Day 5:  God made fish in the sea and birds in the sky.
Day 6:  God made all land animals and people.
Day 7:  God rested..

In art this week:
We made shaving cream marbleizing pictures, where the children swirled the water color around the shaving cream to create unique designs.

We did balloon printing, where the children would press the inflated balloon into the paint and put it on the paper.

We did cornstarch fade away where we would spray on color then fluff with our fingers, and what would happen?  It would fade away.  Then, we made goop!

We made Big Green Monsters after reading Go Away Big Green Monster.

In our small groups:
We made shape pictures, using shape stickers.

We started our alphabet book, and we used red bingo dabbers on the letter A for apples.  We also added pictures on our classroom letter A, and saw that letter A has our shape for this week in it.  Do you know what shape is hiding in letter A?

We made triangles with popsicle sticks.

We made a classroom collage of things that God made.

We experimented with baking soda and vinegar.

Books and Puzzles...

Play Dough...

Dramatic play...


Rice Table...

Animal Dominoes...


Light Table...

Brownie Bear...

Science Discovery bottles...

Our science center stimulates the child to:
  • explore and experiment
  • use a variety of materials for weighing and measuring
  • develop skills in using the scientific method of problem solving
  • observing, identifying problems, predicting, testing predictions and generalizing
  • use source materials in problem solving
  • share discoveries with others
  • manipulate various objects and materials in order to move from concrete to abstract thinking
  • find out about nature


Music and Movement.. this week we learned "The Way We Do It" by Greg and Steve.

This week we read...
Alphabet Mystery
Alphabet Rescue
Glad Monster, Sad Monster
Go Away Big Green Monster

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