Friday, February 21, 2014

This week in Preschool...February 18-21, 2014

Let the children come to Me.  Mark 10:14

This week we have been learning about Jesus blessing the children.  The disciples told the mothers and the children to go away, but Jesus said, "Come".  Jesus welcomes everyone.  We are all sinners, and he died to save everyone.  We have been doing a variety of activities to go along with our Jesus Time this week.  We have been singing our memory verse this week , when we do this the children develop skills and knowledge in the area of music and they participate in a variety of music activities with interest and enjoyment.  We also made a red collage heart, in which the children develop skills and knowledge in the area of visual arts, and explore and use a variety of media and materials.
  We did a magnet investigation where the children use their senses, and a variety of tools to gather information, compare and sort observed objects, and seek answers to questions through active investigation(Scientific Method) , and the children form explanations based on generalizations from past experiences, trial and error, observations and explorations.  We played a Good Choice/Bad Choice game, where the children relate to others, and they recognize others' feelings and needs and responds appropriately with empathy or care.  We also played two games, Roll the ball, and Come and Go Away, where the children relate to others, and share space and objects with others, and relate to the physical world and grow in gross motor movement and they use their whole body, using various speeds, directions, and ways.

In Art, we are making surprises for grandparents'/special friends ( sorry no pictures, it would be a spoiler), and we made Chicka, Chicka trees, and we easel painted self- portraits.

In our small group/center time we made our red collage heart, we a magnet investigation, and some games, we also rolled die and counted the dots, then found the corresponding numeral and put a sticker on it.

We enjoy playing in our classroom:  housekeeping, blocks, play dough, writing center, math center, and medical center, etc.

Some of the friends were able to make cereal necklaces, and that helped with our fine motor skills, and some children made patterns, and others counted how many pieces of cereal they were able to string.

This week on our iPad we enjoyed exploring all the activities on JC Playzone, a website for children from Lutheran Hour Ministries.

This week we read...
The Jolly Postman
Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom
Chicka, Chicka, 1,2,3
Doctor DeSoto

Please RSVP for Grandparents'/Special Friend Day which will be Thursday, March 6 .


We are going to be enjoying the wonderful world of Dr. Suess for the next 2 weeks, we will be making green eggs and ham.

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